global defossilization
But let's imagine - as trivial as realistic - the owner of an intercity bus in Morocco or Indonesia who has been feeding the family for years or decades with his pre-chamber diesel vehicle. Let us also imagine the Indian middle-class family for which today, with an average monthly income of just over €150, the achievements of the economic growth of their 1.2 billion population are within realistc reach.
Will people in these countries take the same path of decarbonization via complex and primarily costly technical solutions in the field of individual mobility as the rich, western society with an average income that is over ten times higher? Does decarbonization have the same status there as it does in idustrialized, western democracies? These questions should answer themselves. See article by Wolfgang Gomoll at efahrer.com, published February 9th, 2020
If climate protection means a radical change in lifestyles combined with socially incompatible measures, it is likely to become a fact that even moderate governments in emerging and developing countries will either prioritize the economic well-being of their people or only hold out until the next election - if they don´t already have an autocratic system today that refuses to adhere to the UN sustainability goals*.
The fate of the global climate change depends to a large extent on India alone as the largest democracy in the world. China, Russia, Brazil and other industrial countries offer similar potential - but they even have cheap fossil fuels, which presumably will not move away until climate-friendly energy sources are affordable or even cheaper than petrol and diesel. Incidentally, this also applies to the largest of all democratic industrial nations, the USA ...
With only a handful of exceptions, the Western world is relying entirely on electromobility, but alternatives are already being discussed. Hydrogen, which is currently being treated as a beacon of hope, offers one of many opportunities to serve as a basis for e-fuels while retaining existing infrastructures, following the certainly soon to be widespread realization that electromobility cannot function globally. However, generating these in Germany with renewable energies makes as much sense as planting oranges in Greenland.
There are opportunities here to include emerging and developing countries as production sites in global defossilization and to establish circular economies there. In this way, the concept of sustainability is put into practice by simple means. Complex drive concepts such as electromobility, on the other hand, lack sustainability
What comes next, or can we still re-consider the strategy into the direction of sustainable mobility today?
A re-consideration in favor of a realistic energy transition for tomorrow's mobility must take place.
Saving the climate by reducing climate-damaging emissions - primarily carbon dioxide - is a global task of our and future generations, which requires unity in the measures and an uncompromising, joint approach in terms of sustainability.