Is there no alternative to electromobility?
We think that there are alternatives! (... in fact we are fully convinced)
In view of the unclear origin of the electricity required, which, due to the German nuclear and coal phase-out, is likely to lead to massive energy imports from neighboring EU countries without a coal and nuclear phase-out law in the near future, we see considerable environmental pollution in the focus on "E-Only" in the form of incalculable global CO2 emissions during the generation and subsequent disposal of electronic waste and used batteries. The German "Reichweitenangst" (range anxiety) is likely to be the slightest problem here. It should be remembered here that the CO2 emissions of German car traffic currently account for around 0.167% of global CO2 emissions ...
While a comprehensive conversion to pure electric mobility for the end consumer only brings with it the question of whether there is enough electricity for charging EV´s batteries available, the conversion of the entire infrastructure and the procurement of energy are aspects that have not yet been clarified. Furthermore, they are not included in the energy balance of electric vehicles and are ignored in the draft of new, federal laws. From our perspective, the switch to electromobility in order to reduce pollutant emissions in city centers makes sense - further electromobility concepts urgently require a process optimization. The mere fact that a single battery from a large US manufacturer of electric vehicles has to move around 500 tons of soil, from which 50 tons of ore-containing material are extracted, shows that this is not a measurable success in the short or medium term. Following this strategy, the reduction of climate-damaging gases - especially CO2 - cannot be achieved. Politicians seem to be ignoring this, but industry should be aware of this. In the official calculations, the problem of disposal and recycling of electric vehicle batteries was completely ignored. (B)EVs are considered as "zero emission" vehicles...
Since the automotive industry has become a troublemaker in public and therefore been marked in red on the to-do list of environmental associations due to the manipulation of software during the exhaust gas treatment of diesel vehicles ("Diesel-Gate"), it is no longer considered a reliable partner in combating climate change. The engineering spirit of the German key industry is thus largely switched off and incapable of acting for the foreseeable future.
What possibilities are there to counteract climate change openly and - above all - quickly, without
simply shifting CO2 emissions to neighboring countries and at the same time increasing the problems caused by wrong strategies?
How do we also manage to save the climate not only in our urban industrial societies in the western world, but also in areas where growth and massive industrialization are currently the national focus and climate protection means luxury for a small upper class: In emerging and developing countries